Meet the owners

Tyler Stanton has been in the construction industry for over 20 years. His love for the profession and prominent leadership makes him successful in the field. You can rest assured that Tyler will take great care in protecting your business, staff and customers. 

Tyler’s wife Brittney has been a business owner for many years and is proficient at keeping Fire Stop organized and running smoothly. Her desire is to always put the clients first and to make sure they are happy. 

You can feel confident that between the two of them your business will always come first, and that Fire Stop is still a family-owned business with many years ahead of it. 

Meet the past owners

Kim and Cathy started Fire Stop Technologies in 1984.  They provided ventilation maintenance and in 2003 added fire system installation and 6 month inspections for commercial hood systems. In 1995 they moved from Denver to Boulder to start a life on some acreage.  They quickly built up an incredible business with loyalty and appreciation for their clients. Kim will be greatly missed as he was well respected and was an excellent business owner.